The Test
The full test consists of 47 test items, the first 30 of which must be satisfied to receive a pass certificate. The subsequent 10 are advisory and the final 7 are optional test elements. This comprehensive test covers all the application components of the sprayer to ensure the machine is working correctly and efficiently with further considerations of safety for the sprayer operative and the environment.

The test will be carried out at your own premises and covers:
- The delivery system – tanks and lids, pump, spray controls, pipe work and hoses. The application system: pressure gauges, spray lines, nozzle bodies, check valves, spray caps and tips, booms and suspension.
- Ancillaries including rinsing and tank wash systems, recirculation systems and chemical induction systems.
- NSTS test will pay for itself in reduced operating costs and productivity.
- Improves reliability of your sprayers.
- Apply expensive agrochemicals cost-effectively.
- Increase resale value of your machines.
- NSTS test will ensure spraying is conducted accurately to minimize environmental effects.
- Calibration of sprayer will ensure only the necessary amount of agrochemicals are administered, with minimal wastage.
- Sprayer users must show sensitivity to wider environmental issues.
- NSTS test certificate satisfies best practice principles of the VI and the Sustainable Use Directive.
- Safeguard your sprayer operatives.
- Bring peace of mind that a risk assessment has been undertaken.
- May provide useful documentation in communication with insurance companies.
- NSTS test certificate required for major UK crop assurance schemes.
- Necessary for satisfaction of supermarket protocols.
- Statutory NSTS testing will be introduced.