NSTS is the National Sprayer Testing Scheme for the UK. The scheme has been part of UK agriculture since 2003 and a main pillar of the Voluntary Initiative. NSTS tested sprayers are a requirement of UK crop assurance scheme and supermarket protocols and NSTS satisfies the sprayer testing requirements of the Sustainable Use Directive.
The Farmer Network is a not for profit organisation solely developed to help, support and guide farmers by providing services and benefits to two distinct local communities, the Yorkshire Dales and Cumbria. It is run by farmers for farmers.
The Farmer Network Labour Directory is a list of people and businesses available to offer services for farmers in Cumbria and the Yorkshire Dales.
Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) is a local charity based in Penrith who work with individuals, businesses and communities to help them become more sustainable.
CAfS promotes low carbon living, energy saving and reduced use of fossil fuels throughout Cumbria, by providing information, advice and motivation through educational events, site visits and practical projects.